Roach Removal

Creepy, crawly, scattering, filthy cockroaches are not a topic people like to discuss. They strike fear in the hearts of homeowners and people all over the world. Texas is no different. And if you have a roach problem in your home, you will want roach removal as soon as you see them.

Roaches are definitely the most common and unwanted pests in Texas. In fact, TexasMonthly called the cockroach “The World’s Most Despicable Bug.” They even went as far as to state the following in an older article,

“Austin, our capital city, has gained a wide reputation as a “capital of cockroaches.” Last summer, the Austin Sun, a weekly newspaper well qualified to know, made national news with its claim that a house in Austin holds the world’s record for the most roaches in a single residence: some 50,000. Although this record has not been contested, scientists say there must be many places in Hous­ton, Dallas, San Antonio, and El Paso which exceed that cockroach count. Being both the hottest state in the nation and one of the most urban, Texas is an ideal breeding ground, the incubation center for the entire Southwest and points beyond. “

So it should come as no real surprise that roach removal is a significant part of the pest control industry in Texas. They are found in homes, churches, businesses, and just about everywhere else. So what is a homeowner to do when faced with the need for roach removal?

This article will acquaint you with the truth about the cockroach and the need for roach removal at first sight. When you first see a living roach, call Tom Samples Pest Control to eradicate the population in your home.

Texas Cockroaches

There are several different types of cockroaches living and scurrying in Texas. They all have flattened bodies, and they move very quickly. Long thin antennae help them to locate food and navigate in the dark of your kitchen. They may come in brown, black, tan, reddish-orange, or even green, and most of them have wings.

The common roaches of Texas are as follows:

  1. The American cockroachPeriplaneta americana, is the most common and is often called a palmetto bug.
  2. German cockroachesBlattella germanica, are the type that prefers to live indoors.
  3. Oriental cockroachesBlatta orientalis, sometimes called waterbugs, are roaches with smooth dark bodies.
  4. Smoky Brown cockroachesPeriplaneta fuliginosa, are much like the American in look, just a bit darker in color with no yellow accents.

Now that you know there are more than just the American and German types, there is one more critical piece of information to share. It is essential to hire the services of an experienced and professional pest control company. They know what they are doing and can get rid of your roach problem for good. Our family-owned and operated company at Tom Samples Pest Control is precisely what you will need for roach removal.

German cockroach

Signs of an Infestation

If you suspect you have an infestation, you most likely do. But just to be sure, here are the things homeowners can look for to ensure the issue is roaches.

  • Small, black fecal droppings the size of a grain of sand.
  • Large, rounded egg cases that have a brownish color.
  • Dead roaches in hiding spots like under the fridge or sink.
  • An oily musk odor penetrates the food you eat.

Are Roaches a Health Risk?

One of the most common insects in homes, these pests will scavenge your entire home in search of food, water, and shelter. They pay no mind the disgusting habit of going through the garbage and then right into your pantry. And, not only are they tracking filth, but they also smell awful.

As far as health concerns, here is what we know at Tom Samples Pest Control.

  1. Roaches can trigger allergies resulting in skin rashes, allergic reactions, and asthma. You see, the feces, eggs, saliva, and outer shell left behind by the roach can contain allergens. These allergens can be inhaled from the air or ingested when they come in contact with food. Unfortunately, children, the elderly, and individuals with weak immune systems are more prone to conditions and illnesses caused by roaches and other pests.
  2. Roaches also cause intestinal illnesses. Yes, you read that right. Intestinal diseases can be carried by cockroaches and transmitted to humans. Diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid fever, and cholera can all be taken by roaches and deposited on food, toothbrushes, clothing, books, and more. And even worse, they feed on the feces left by rodents and other small animals, transmitting whatever disease the wastes may have as well. YUCK!

If you suddenly see roaches when you turn on the kitchen light in the middle of the night, you need rodent removal, and Tom Samples is here for you and your family.

American Cockroach

How You Can Help with Roach Removal

A clean home is the best way to a pest-free home, but it is not always a guarantee you will never get a roach problem. Signing up for a pest control maintenance plan is really the only way to keep the roaches under control in the state of Texas.

So here are a few things homeowners should do to keep the problem down between pest control professional visits.

  • Wipe off the tables, counters, and stovetops after food preparation and meals.
  • If you eat on the couch on Friday nights, run a quick vacuum on the cushions and floor after eating.
  • Keeping your food confined to specific areas of the house as much as possible is the best plan.
  • Try not to leave pet food out overnight, keeping a tight lid on pet food containers.
  • Be sure to clean up drink and food spills right away.
  • Keep all dry pantry food in tightly sealed containers.
  • Ensure the garbage cans in the home have tight-fitting lids.
  • Wash all your dirty dishes as soon as possible. Try not to leave dirty dishes in the sink or on the counter overnight. If, by chance, you need to leave your dishes in the sink overnight, make sure they are in a basin of soapy water.
  • Don’t keep piles of boxes, cardboard, and newspapers inside or outside of the home. These make great hiding places for many kinds of roaches.
  • Repair leaky pipes, toilets, and faucets. Moisture is essential to insect survival, so fixing these items makes it much harder for roaches and other insects to survive in your home.
  • Seal all cracks and crevices throughout the home. That way, you eliminate easy entry points for insects to get inside your home. You might want to check around your plumbing, electrical, and gas lines as well.

However, if the roaches persist, call out the professionals for roach removal.

Calling for Roach Removal

When you call out an exterminator for roach removal, here is what you can expect from the technicians.

  • They will locate the roach activity and hiding spots.
  • Nest they will figure out what attracted them into your home in the first place.
  • Then the tech will look for the potential entry points and seal the entry points if the homeowner would like.
  • Finally, they will spray for roaches inside and out.

In addition, when you enroll in a pest management agreement, the chances of getting bugs are significantly lower. You see, the technician assigned to your home will be observing with each visit to make sure you are pest-free. What’s more, you can always give us a call if you get a bug problem of any sort.

roach removal

Contact Tom Samples Pest Control for Effective Roach Removal

Tom Samples Pest Control wants to make your home roach and pest-free for you and your family. Our highly trained technicians will utilize various techniques, baiting, monitoring, sprays, and exclusion to rid your home of those pesky roaches. Besides, cockroaches are among the hardiest and challenging to destroy of all pests. So, gaining the help of an experienced exterminator is the best way to get them out of your home or business.

When you encounter roaches or any problematic pest, trust Tom Samples Pest Control for quality pest management and exceptional customer service. Contact our friendly staff to get on the schedule for service today.